A low sheen finishing oil that penetrates the timber substrate to nourish, preserve and seal; as well as providing protection against weather degradation and rot.
Filtered, unmodified Tung Nut Oil, Citrus, Eucalypt and Pine Wood oils/extracts with dissolved, refined Bees Wax, UV rated colourants in the form of dyes added to Red & Gold Enhancers to extend longevity of product under full sun..
Exterior: Preserving and finishing timber garden furniture, spa panelling shutters, louvres, gunstocks, marine trims & handrails and may be used on joinery under full verandah protection. Red Hardwood & Gold Teakwood Enhancers will give even more longevity to fully exposed timbers.
Internal: Timber bench tops and vanities in wet areas ie. bathrooms & laundries (follow Wet Sanding procedure under Woodcraft Icon. The ingredients in this product best address their needs, though not to be used on flooring.
Available in 1L, 2L,10L